Words Without Music: A Memoir

“If you don’t know what to do, there’s actually a chance of doing something new.” ― Philip Glass, Words Without Music: A Memoir

Station Eleven

“No more Internet. No more social media, no more scrolling through litanies of dreams and nervous hopes and photographs of lunches, cries for help and expressions of contentment and relationship-status updates with heart icons whole or broken, plans to meet up later, pleas, complaints, desires, pictures of babies dressed as bears or peppers for Halloween….

The Country of Ice Cream Star

“Be a foolishness of life, how we forget our hurts in sleep – like they unmade there, taken back into the time before. We wake in stupid innocence. Then all pains flash to memory, and every cruelty be fresh.” — Sandra Newman, The Country of Ice Cream Star

Miranda July in conversation with host Lena Dunham

From the moment Lena Dunham sat down to interview her friend, Miranda July, I knew it was going to be a wonderful evening at BAM. Lena decided to write her interview questions on Post-it® notes, which she would stick to the table between them once Miranda answered. If Miranda decided to pass on a question,…

Burial Rites

“Up in the highlands blizzards howl like the widows of fishermen and the wind blisters the skin off your face. Winter comes like a punch in the dark. The uninhabited places are as cruel as any executioner.” ― Hannah Kent, Burial Rites

From The Mouth of the Whale

“I think you should read it just for the experience.” — my father, regarding the novel, From the Mouth of the Whale by Icelandic author, Sjón